Add a Bit of Warmth to Your Photos
In a photographer’s perfect world, the lighting would always do what we need it to do. Even if we don’t live in this utopia, there are a few tricks we can use to make lighting work to our advantage…
In a photographer’s perfect world, the lighting would always do what we need it to do. Even if we don’t live in this utopia, there are a few tricks we can use to make lighting work to our advantage…
On a not-so-warm day last April BP imaging‘s photographers John Majorossy and John Lynch found themselves on a dairy farm in Cambridge, Ontario…
We’ve been shooting advertisement photography for a series of ad layouts for our wall covering client, Colour & Design…
Back in December John and I went on a shoot at the new Region of Peel Paramedic head quarters. You’ve got to think you’re pretty safe shooting in there, with all the Paramedic around you, and we were…
It all started with a sketch. Our client Play Advertising wanted to show someone precariously standing on a ladder, reaching for a boomerang, on the roof…
Last weekend was a strange one for me and it took me back to my early years in photography when I would shoot weddings on the weekends…