In this new world of shopping online it is even more important to have high quality photos taken. If you are a consumer browsing the web and looking for patio furniture, the quality of the image is what is going to sell the product. More and more with all the different forms of social media the better quality images get that extra look. Not only do they get viewed more, but they also get more shares, pins, likes and reposts’ to numerous social media friends and followers. The younger demographic have no issues purchasing clothing, furniture, jewelry and many more products online. From our experience with larger retailers like Costco and Amazon, we understand and follow the strict photographic quality requirements. Here at BP imaging we specialize in giving you the highest detailed image to get the feeling of your product without needing to physically touch it. In some situations we even provide a lifestyle setting or simple photograph of the product on white. Trust us when we say that the quality of the images we provide will positively influence the sales of your product.