The Contest
The Bloggers Recipe Challenge Three was hosted by Tre Stelle, who invited Canada’s top food bloggers to use their talent to create delicious recipes using Tre Stelle’s Bocconcini cheese as the main ingredient. The voting process was done online by consumers and the winner of the challenge will have their recipe featured in the Spring/Summer 2015 issue of Melt Magazine!
Blogger Recipes
- Herbed Focaccia with Caramelized Apples, Prosciutto and Tre Stelle Bocconcini
- Melty Bacon and Tre Stelle Bocconcini Pull-Aparts
- Ham, Tomato, Pesto Tre Stelle Bocconcini Bites
- Tre Stelle Bocconcini Focaccia with Spring Onions and Rosemary
- Savoury Eggplant, Zucchini Herb Galette with Tre Stelle Bocconcini Cheese
See below for our recipe photography for Tre Stelle’s Melt Magazine Bloggers Recipe Challenge Three shot for OKD Marketing!