The experienced, artistic, and skilled professional photographers at BP imaging have produced high quality photographs for both national brands and local businesses for over 50 years. At BP imaging all of our post photography editing services are produced in-house by our post production team.
Post production services include image retouching, photo restoration, colour correction & management, exposure adjustment, colour conversion, close cropping, image manipulation, image composition, background replacement and more.
Our post production team has many specialties including retouching for portrait photography to remove blemishes, pimples, wrinkles, acne and even enhance eye colour. Have an old historic photograph that is scratched and fading? BP imaging also offers image restoration services for damaged photographs so you can cherish your memories forever.
What separates our post production team from other retouchers is the input from our professional photographers to ensure creative and realistic looking results.
Colour Correction & Imaging

Close Cropping & Retouching

Photo Restoration

Photo Retouching & Imaging

Photo Retouching & Imaging

Photo Retouching & Imaging